Estancias de investigación
Our School, coordinated by Professor Marco Zupi, hosts phd researchers
of every year with a financial support of 900 euros per month plus
They might arrive in October and stay for one semester (October –
February/March) or for the full academic year (October – June).
The general field of studies is the UN Sustainable Development Goals,
the specific area is the evaluation of impact of public policies.
Researchers are hosted by CeSPI and the University Roma Tre –
department of Political Science. They attend seminars and events
organized by CeSPI, UN in Rome, Italian Universities, Italian Minister
of Foreign Affairs and international Cooperation.
They might be researchers from any background, to make an example this
year we have economists, demographers, agronomists, social and
political science researchers.
We need a cv of the candidates and a short summary of their phd
research by the half of May.
There will be a selection of the cvs and we will decide how many
researchers to host for the next year.
We try to have gender balance and equal number of researchers from
Latin America, Africa and Asia.
En caso de estar interesado, comunicarse con Mtra. María Claudia Verduzco Zepeda de la Oficina de Intercambio Académico y Movilidad Estudiantil sescolar@colef.mx